Thank you for trying "Bands of Shame"! By choosing this game, you have demonstrated that you have good friends that can take it and give it, all while laughing, drinking, and having a good time! Or... you hate everyone you play golf with and glory in their misery. The truth is probably a bit of both; because this isn't your ordinary game, and celebrating your friends' errors end up being money in your pocket!.
First things first -- Take a look at your Bands of Shame. There’s a band for virtually every shot, each of which has an assigned dollar value. The rules are simple: hit a band-worthy shot, put on the appropriate band. But, don't be holding the band at end of the round. If you are, you get to pay. So, if you have 5 bands totaling 8 dollars as you walk off the 18th green, you have to give that much to every player! Like Christmas, the joy in this game lies in the giving. So, make sure they give you nothing!